E-waste roundup

My barrage of letters to local councils resulted in a mixed bag of responses. Having given proper time for the all to respond, here is the roundup of what they are all doing. It’s pretty shameful really; This is a long post, so if you are up for it, the rest of over the fold;


Lord Mayor Campbell Newman wrote back, but only said that he was considering the matters I raised and would get back to me. So he might actually be working out the best way forward for Brisbane City Council, but honestly, he should have a policy by now, he’s been in the job a while!


Mayor Paul Pisasale wrote a reasonaby positive letter, but it lacked much substance. He pointed to the October 2007 collection the council did for e-waste, and said council was "investigating indicative pricing" for the collection of e-waste. He also directed me to contact Mr Bob Eggleton who manages the waste collection side of Ipswich City Council.

I think I’ll write back and ask him to get on with it. Seems like investigating pricing for 7 months isn’t really doing much. I’ll wait to see what Bob says, and then I think I’ll hassle the Mayor again for some real action.

Gold Coast

So far the Gold Coast council takes first prize. Down there they have setup dedicated e-waste collection facilities at two transfer stations. Sadly though, this is only a trial, and is not at all transfer stations.

The other problem is that the council is only investigating what to do with "zero value e-waste" that they generate themselves.

I think I’ll write to the waste management section and ask what they are doing with the household e-waste they are collecting. Also when their promised investigation into expanding the program will take place and what might be stopping them from expanding it right now.


Didn’t even write back. Sheesh.

Queensland Government

The Queensland Minister for Sustainability, Climate Change and Innovation wrote back and advised me of a federal body called the Environment Protection and Heritage Council, which apparently is a group made up of all state and territory environment ministers. I guess I should write to them now too.

There was also talk of a landfill ban, which I feel is a good step in the right direction, however the other talk of "product stewardship schemes" seems a less well thought out idea.

It bugs me that every new problem needs to be met with a new tax. How about we just spend some of the billions of tax dollars we already pay on fixing the problem?

Federal Government

No response from Minister Garrett. He must be too busy planning policies to take effect years from now.

The Wrap Up

So this week I have sent of letters to the EPHC, Ipswich waste services and Gold Coast Council, seeking more answers and positive action.  I’ll keep hounding these elected representatives, and hopefully you will too. This issue needs urgent attention, and so far, nobody seems to want to do anything.

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