Secret Tunnel Plan Exposed

Cool headline, but I am beginning to suspect this is nothing new. I was talking to a source the other day who told me that plans were approved and the deal was done for construction of a the southern hemisphere’s longest transport tunnel linking the airport with the western suburbs.

The story goes that everything is done, except the public announcement. So I headed home to do a little research before posting this awesome news;

Seems that our good friend Campbell Newman has been planning for a tunnel link between the airport and the North/South Bypass Tunnel for some time, and as early as April last year bidding was underway for the project.

So, perhaps my source was just ill informed, or in fact the deal has been done, and we are in the dark. The Brisbane City Council website has nothing up to date on the project, so the latter could well be true.

In any event, I support Campbell’s efforts to improve Brisbane infrastructure, and think the more traffic we can shove underground, the nicer the city of Brisbane will become. 

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