Road closure a near sighted move

Local residents and business owners in the western suburbs are probably aware by now of the plans by our State Government to close the Bullockhead St entrance to the Sumner Park Industrial Estate.

I don’t normally have much sympathy for people who have a whinge about new and improved roads, (which reminds me, I should have a go at the whinger on Ipswich Road) but in this case I think the locals are spot on.

I have friends and clients with businesses in that area, and having only the entrance on Spine St to get in and out will be a bad thing for traffic congestion in the area. There is a planned exit to be built onto Wolston Road, but this is not scheduled until 2010!

State member for Mt Ommaney, Julie Attwood, reckons the solution is an urgent upgrade of the Spine St & Sumner Rd intersection, while Main Roads claim they are "working with council to fast track the second exit project"

Instead of all this talk, Julie should get her government to do something about this right now.

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